Membership & Guests


Membership is open to adults age 16 and older. To join you must attend one meeting prior to joining, pay MSC dues of $20.00 per year, and also become a member of our parent organization, NAME. If you’d like to join MSC as a couple or along with another family member, dues for each additional family member is only $10.00 per year. MSC dues entitle you to receive our digital monthly newsletter, The Minquirer, and to participate in all club events and parties. View more details on the Meetings page.

NAME dues include receipt of their magazine, The Miniature Gazette. Go to the NAME website to learn more. If you have questions or would like more information, feel free to contact us.


Unless posted otherwise, MSC meets at 7:00 pm on the second Wednesday of each month. There is no charge to attend as a guest. If you are 16 years old and above, you are welcome to come to any regular meeting.* If you come and see activities you enjoy, we hope that you will consider becoming a member. For more information about becoming a member, feel free to contact us.

(* with the exception of the months of August and December, which are reserved for members-only parties)

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