These galleries primarily showcase miniatures that have been created by and/or are owned by members of MSC. This page highlights displays at places other than an Annual MSC Show & Sale. Enjoy and be inspired!
2015 – 40th Anniversary
2017 – Exhibits at Twin Towers
2018 – Exhibits at Twin Towers
2018 – Exhibits at Artis Senior Living Center of Mason
2021 – 45th Anniversary
Library & Other Exhibits
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2015 – 40th Anniversary
MSC celebrated its 40th anniversary in Fall of 2015. Festivities included a catered party at Peterloon, souvenirs, and a commemorative booklet outlining the history of the club and highlights over the years. Members brought vignettes and centerpieces from past parties and special events, a few of which are shown below.
2017 – Exhibits at Twin Towers
In 2017 we were invited to exhibit our miniatures at Twin Towers Senior Living Community, here in Cincinnati, Ohio. September 16th was the day the residents and their families learned about our passion for miniatures and enjoyed the variety of scenes on display. Several members brought their shop scenes from the “2004 – Mini Shops of Cincinnati” project. And we were fortunate that Stan M brought a variety of vignettes made by his late wife, Marjorie M, who was a miniature artisan well-known for her lovely, realistic miniature flowers.
2018 – Exhibits at Twin Towers
On November 3, 2018 we were again privileged to exhibit our miniatures at Twin Towers Senior Living Community, here in Cincinnati, Ohio. This year we were able to showcase more exhibits. And we were honored to have Kaye S. Browning, who is Curator of the Kathleen Savage Browning Miniature Collection at the Kentucky Gateway Museum in Maysville, Kentucky, come to speak with us about her lifelong collection of miniatures. This event is free and open to the public, so be sure to watch for it and join us in the future.
2018 – Exhibits at Artis Senior Living Center of Mason
In Fall 2018 we were invited to exhibit our miniatures at Artis Senior Living Center of Mason, Ohio. Four members took a selection of miniature scenes that were hoped to jog some very pleasant memories for the residents. We anticipate doing more of this type of outreach.
2021 – 45th Anniversary
MSC celebrated its 45th anniversary on November 14, 2021 at Peterloon. Festivities included a tea party-themed catered luncheon for members and guests. Special souvenirs included a custom miniature floral cake (made by Angela Neely of Carrot Patch Creations, MS), which sat upon a hand-blown fluted glass cake stand (made by Phil Grenyer of Glasscraft Miniatures, UK). Our event should have been held in 2020 but was delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Library & Other Exhibits
In addition to our wonderful exhibits at our annual Show & Sale, at various times our works have been on display at the Cincinnati Public Library, Sharon Woods Village, Troy-Hayner Cultural Center, Loveland Historical Museum, Taft Museum, Cincinnati Art Museum, and Promont Museum to name a few locations.